
Business news : France, The manufacturer of sailboats Wrighton ( Biloup series) placed in receivership

Finally , the step of receivership launched in June will not be allowed to restart the project.

Are we headed there be to the pure and simple disappearance of Biloup brand mark symbol small family twin keel yachts designed by Richard Wrighton?

Unfortunately, this is the predominant feeling since October 4 and investment liquidation of the shipyard , which concludes the failure of the implementation of a recovery plan by the administrator .

The Lliquidation period, will result in inevitable , the end of construction activity Wrighton SAS through a disposal plan . The takeover offers , irrevocable , will be published by the Commercial Court of Béthunes ( North of France) .

Such a procedure could see the molds and intellectual property rights relating to plans , taken by a site wishing to expand into the market for small family voilers biquille .

The last hope of the range of Biloup continue ...

French source actunautique.com

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